Mrs. Schilf's Page


What's The Good Word?



Lesson Plans






Bookmarks may be downloaded here.


When sharing documents on Drive, please be sure to type the email address completely, to ensure it goes to the right person.


Classroom Expectations

Collections digital text book sign-in page (

Use the login and password you received in class to access your dashboard.

To access the texts in the Performance Assessment book, sign on to your dashboard. Select "student resources" icon, then choose the "assessment" tab. Click on "Unit 1" to download the performance assessment book.

To access Close Reader text/workbook, sign on to your dashboard. Select "student text" icon, then use the "Contents" icon on the left side bar to choose the Collection in which you need to work, then the table of contents for the specific text. "My Friend Douglass" (p. 43-48) will be in Collection 3. Or enter CR43 in the page search at the top of the page.


blog rubric        extra credit: published grammatical errors            extra credit: vocabulary    extra credit: The Good Word

editing checklist        bookmark


E-mail Mrs. Schilf at


What about the blog?

Blog assignments will be posted regularly throughout the school year.  You may respond to as many prompts as you like, but you will be graded on one blog response per quarter. Your response must be thoughtfully constructed, in good paragraph form using correct conventions, and approximately 150-300 words in length. It is worth 25 points. When you have completed the response you would like graded, write your name, blog prompt title, and date completed on a rubric form, and hand in.

To protect your privacy on the Internet, don't sign your full name to your response. Instead, select "Name/URL", identify yourself by your first name and last initial, and the class period you're in, like this: Ashley B., 7/8.  You may leave the URL line blank. Type in the security code as you see it, then click "Publish Your Comment."  Have fun!

Read and respond to my latest question at